Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Nomor : ....................................................

Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Islam (YPI) MTs. Al-Ikhlas Kaso, menerangkan bahwa :

N a m a                                    : IIS AISYAH, S.Pd
Tempat Tanggal Lahir                        : Ciamis, 27 Desember 1984
Jenis Kelamin                          : Perempuan
Pendidikan Terakhir                : S1 Bahasa Indonesia
Unit Kerja                               : .....................................
Mengajar Mata Pelajaran        : Bahasa Indonesia
A l a m a t                               : ........................................................

Nama tersebut adalah benar sebagai Tenaga Pendidik/Guru pada .......................................  yang kami pimpin dan masih aktif mengajar sampai dengan sekarang.

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya, untuk diketahui dan dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Kaso, 28 Desember 2017
Ketua Yayasan,

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Cool, Beautiful Teens This Will Be The First Man to Go on Mars

Cool, Beautiful Teens This Will Be The First Man to Go on Mars
By Afra Augesti on 13 Jul 2018, 08:01 WIB
Alyssa Carson

Alyssa Carson is one of many teenagers who dream to work with NASA. Now, 17-year-old teenager was 'on the way' to realize his dream, which is to become an astronaut.

Being able to explore outer space is the girl's biggest obsession living in Hammond, Louisiana, USA. His desire to move for a moment from Earth began after he loved watching The Backyardigans cartoon. At that time, he was still small.

In the kid's friendly show, a group of friendly animals perform fantasy adventures: mission to Mars.

"I thought that, 'The red planet is so cool,'" he told Teen Vogue.

"I started watching the rover videos that landed on Mars, I also had a giant map of the planet in the bedroom, bought a telescope so I could see it in the sky," he said excitedly, as quoted by The Sun, Thursday (12/7/2018) ).

As a child, Carson's dream was not far from being president, teacher, or doctor. But the work of an astronaut seems to have dominated the minds of his childhood.

Since he was determined to aspire to become an astronaut, he imagined he could climb the Red Planet. Carson is willing to make every effort to make it happen. Until one day, NASA contacted him and asked to be involved in a mission to fly to Mars in 2033.

In that year, the blond girl will be 32 years old, which is a mature age to plunge in NASA space mission.
Reluctantly dismissed, he immediately accepted NASA's prestigious offer: to be the first man to set foot on Mars. However, Carson has not been able to register for NASA's astronaut training program until he is 18 years old.

However, while waiting for the next year, the US government's space agency promised to realize the dream of women born March 10, 2001 it became a reality.

Awesome, NASA Successfully Recorded the Sound of the Sun from Close

By Jeko I. R. on 31 Jul 2018, 06:30
Every space object, be it planet, moon, star, and also the sun, has different sound characteristics. The sun, for example, has a unique sound type.

United States Space Agency (US), NASA and European Space Agency, ESA, was able to record sound from the Sun.

The sound of the Sun was recorded in 1995 ago. And now, NASA again tried to modify the sound to sound more clear and clear.
Reported by Slash Gear on Tuesday (31/7/2018), the sound modified using NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) devices.

Once modified, the 'raw' sound from the Sun is processed by Stanford Experimental Physics Lab scientists. They sort the sound and change it to make it easier to hear the human ear.

"The sun has a unique sound wave and we have to change the sound frequency wave to be safe for human to hear," said Alex Young, SOHO Scientific Director.

The recorded sound of the Sun is known to have a natural frequency vibration. It is this vibration that helps scientists 'neutralize' into a smoother type of sound.

"The vibrations allow us to study complex sounds from the Sun, from flares to coronal masses," he explained.

Intrigued by his voice? You can listen directly to the SoundCloud link below.

source: liputan6.com

After 15 Years, Mars Will Be in the Nearest Distance to Earth Tonight

Who could have seen Planet Mars during the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century that occurred July 28 last?

If you do not have time to watch, just calm down. You can still see Mars at the end of this July.

Yes, the Red Planet is currently at its closest distance to Earth in the last 15 years. As quoted by Tekno Liputan6.com from Space.com, Tuesday (7/31/2018), Mars is at its closest distance to Earth on July 31, 2018.

If you want to see the phenomenon that happened last time in 2003, you can watch it live streaming.

The reason, Observatori Griffith in Los Angeles will show the rare moments.

Back to Mars that is at the closest distance to Earth, you can also watch this event directly.

Just to be known, Mars will be visible on the horizon southwest of the sky. In other words, the moon will be on the top left of Mars.

You need to know, Mars can be seen because the Planet is at a distance of 57.6 million kilometers (Km) from Earth.

As mentioned, Mars and Earth were once in the closest position to each other, ie in August 2003 or 15 years ago with a distance of 55.7 million Km.

The minimum distance between Mars and Earth is 54.6 million Km. Meanwhile, the farthest distance Mars and Earth is 401 million Km. The average distance between them is 225 Km.

The closest distance Mars to Earth is known by the name of Opposition. Well, the opposition itself occurred since July 27 last, even when the total lunar eclipse of Mars and Earth is in the days of the Opposition. This is what makes Mars visible from Earth.

Even though Mars is at the closest distance to Earth, you should know that its appearance from Earth is not as big as the appearance of the Moon.

For the human eye, Mars will only look like a star at night with a slightly reddish radiance.

The Red Planet will reach an orbit called the opposition, where Mars will be directly opposite the Sun, and a straight line with Earth.

Mars will be within its shortest distance to Earth for the past 15 years. As is known, Earth and Mars orbit the Sun at different distances.

Because Earth is closer to the Sun, its orbital period is faster than Mars. Almost every two years, the Sun, Earth, and Mars are in a straight line against each other or called opposition.

This year, the opposition occurred on July 27, 2018 and the time of Mars closest to Earth is at 7:50 GMT or at 14:50 pm on 31 July.

Mars will look very bright in the sky, even the brightest sight since 2003, when Mars is in its closest distance to Earth for the last 60 thousand years.

According to the US space agency NASA, in 2003, the distance Mars with Earth as far as 56 million kilometers.

While on July 31 later, the distance Mars with Earth as far as 57.6 million km. With that distance, Mars will look 10 times brighter than usual.

(Tin / Jek)

Old Wells in His Home, He Wished Gold, Even 30 years ago Remains Uncovered

Colin Steer is a gold digger who is quite anti mainstream. He spent many years cleaning the medieval well in the hope of finding a pot of gold at the bottom. But the man who is now a retiree is not looking for precious metals in mining. He dug an old well found in his own house.
Steer, 67, has been away from normal retirement hobbies, such as gardening and traveling.

Launched dailymail.co.uk, he spent a lot of time for his search in finding treasure.

However, 17 feet into a deep 33th-century well, all he managed to find was a sword and, more worrisome, two German burning devices with his shovel, by 2012."I changed the beam on the floor when I saw a bit of an oddity."

"I dug around one foot and saw that it was a well but my wife just wanted me to close it back because we had three kids running around at the time."

"I always want to dig to see if I can find a pot of gold at the bottom so that when I retire at the end of 2011 that's what I do."

He and his wife, Vanessa, discover the fact that they are sitting in the historic section after revealing the contents of the medieval well beneath their sofa.
The couple moved to their home in Plymouth, Devon about 30 years ago, when they first saw a small indentation on the living room floor.

Steer said:

"I changed the beam on the floor when I saw a bit of an oddity."

"I dug around one foot and saw that it was a well but my wife just wanted me to close it back because we had three kids running around at the time."

"I always want to dig to see if I can find a pot of gold at the bottom so that when I retire at the end of 2011 that's what I do."

When his unique hobby was first discussed in MailOnline six years ago, the retiree said he received help from a local man.

Then they spent three days cleaning the well, which was about 30 inches wide, using a bucket to pull the debris.

The well was like a time machine that brought it back to at least the 16th century, just after the end of the medieval period.

When the excavation reached five feet, he found an old wooden sword with a leather holster.

"It's hidden at a 45-degree angle and seems to fall."

"It's like an old peasant fighting weapon because it seems to be made of metal pieces that are put together."

He puts the lighting inside the well, tidied it up and made the door for easy access.

Steer said:

"I've done a lot of research on its history, but I want to try and find something."

"I have seen an old map that shows Drake's Leat (a waterway built in the late 16th century) and describes the area as forest only until it was built in 1895."

"I like the well and think it's interesting."

The Desperate Men Digging the Old Wells at His Home, He Wished Gold, Even the Remnant of 30 Years Ago Revealed
Monday, July 30, 2018 23:55

Steer said:

"I've done a lot of research on its history, but I want to try and find something."

"I have seen an old map that shows Drake's Leat (a waterway built in the late 16th century) and describes the area as forest only until it was built in 1895."

"I like the well and think it's interesting."

"I want to know who is here before us."

"I have a piece of Plymouth history in my front room."

Six years later, he told Plymouth Live that he now had thought the well would get wider, closer to the base.

And he is still determined to find out what exactly is at the bottom of the well:

"I want to find something below."

"I wish I had something to go back to the past and see what's here."


KEPALA DESA .............................
KEPUTUSAN KEPALA DESA .............................
NOMOR : 142/Kpts-     /Ds.III/2012


DESA ............................. KECAMATAN ............................. KABUPATEN CIAMIS


KEPALA DESA .............................

Menimbang        :        a.      bahwa Desa adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat, berdasarkan asal-usul dan adat istiadat yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem Pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
                                          b.    bahwa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintah Desa Dan Percepatan Pembangunan fisik maupun mental,  perlu adanya mitra kerja Kepala Desa yang dengan sebutan Panitia Pelaksana Pembangunan Jalan Desa ..............................
                                          c.  bahwa Organisasi Kemasyarakatan pada hurup (b) tersebut diatas  perlu dituangkan dalam Keputusan Kepala Desa.
Mengingat             :        1.      Undang – Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1950, tentang Pembentukan Daerah Kabupaten dalam Lingkungan Propinsi Jawa Barat.
                                            2.      Undang – Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 1997, tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undand – Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2000.
                                            3.      Undang – Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2004, tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang – Undangan.
                                            4.      Undang – Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2005, tentang  Pemeriksaan Pengelolaan Dan tanggungjawab Keuangan Negara.
                                            5.      Undang – Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah.
                                            6.      Undang – Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2005, tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan.
                                            7.      Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 55 Tahun 2005, tentang Dana Perimbangan.
                                            8.      Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 58 Tahun 2005, tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah.
                                            9.     Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72 Tahun 2005, tentang Desa.
                                            10.    Peraturan Pemerintah  Nomor 1 Tahun 2007, tentang Pengesahan, Pengundangan dan Penyebar Luasan Peraturan Perundang-undangan.
                                            11.   Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri  Nomor 12 Tahun 2006, tentang Jenis dan Bentuk Produk Hukum Daerah.
                                            12.   Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri  Nomor 13 Tahun 2006, tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah.
                                            13.   Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri  Nomor 16 Tahun 2006, tentang Prosedur Penyusunan Bentuk Hukum Daerah.
                                            14.   Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri  Nomor 17 Tahun 2006, tentang Lembaran Daerah dan Berita Daerah.
                                            15.    Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis Nomor 21 Tahun 2004, tentang Perangkat Daerah.
                                            16.  Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis Nomor 13 Tahun 2007,  tentang Bagi Hasil Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah Untuk Desa Di Wilayah Kabupaten Ciamis.
17. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis Nomor 9 Tahun 2007 tentang Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa
                                            18. Peraturan Bupati Ciamis Nomor 6 Tahun 2012, tentang  Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Alokasi Dana Desa ( ADD ) di Kabupaten Ciamis Tahun Anggaran 2012.
                                            19.  Peraturan Desa ............................. Nomor 1 Tahun 2012, tentang  Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa.

Memperhatikan :        bahwa Jalan Desa ............................. kondisinya sangat memprihatinkan sehingga membutuhkan perbaikan seluruh bagian Jalan, karena sudah sangat rusak dan sudah tidak memadai untuk digunakan, sehingga dapat menghambat dan tidak dapat maksimal dalam pendistribusian hasil sumberdaya alam maupun hasil produksi pertanian.
Dengan Persetujuan
KEPALA DESA .............................
Menetapkan         :
KESATU                   :        Membentuk Kepengurusan  Panitia Pelaksana Pembangunan Jalan Desa ............................., yang nama- namanya tercantum dalam Lampiran Surat Keputusan ini merupakan bagian yang tidak  bisa terpisahkan.
KEDUA                     :        Surat Keputusan ini disampaikan kepada yang bersangkutan untuk dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya.
KETIGA                    :        Panitia sebagaimana Diktum Pertama mempunyai tugas :
                                            a.  Agar masing – masing dapat menjalankan tugas sesuai dengan tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Pembangunan Kantor Desa ..............................
                                            b.  Melaporkan hasil kegiatan secara tertulis kepada Gubernur Jawa Barat melalui Bupati Ciamis melalui Kabag Pemdes Setda Kabupaten Ciamis.
KEEMPAT               :        Ketentuan yang belum cukup diatur dalam Keputusan ini, sepanjang mengenai teknis pelaksanaannya akan diatur lebih lanjut.
KELIMA                   :        Surat keputusan ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan dengan ketentuan akan diadakan perbahan perbaikan apabila didalamnya terdapat kekeliruan.    

Ditetapkan di    :  .............................
Pada tanggal      :  6  Maret  2012
KEPALA DESA .............................


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DESA ............................. KECAMATAN ............................. KABUPATEN CIAMIS

 I. Latar Belakang

Desa ............................. merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan ............................. yang jaraknya 7 Km dari kantor kecamatan dan berbatasan langsung dengan Kecamatan Cisaga. Keadaan masyarakat mata pencahariannya sebagian besar merupakan petani dan buruh tani sehingga pendapatan perkapitanya sangat rendah.
Hal ini tentu saja menjadi kendala dalam menata perekonomian yang layak guna mempertahankan kehidupan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Sehingga imbasnya sangat terasa sulit bagi Pemerintahan Desa ............................. guna menggerakan roda pembangunan.
Namun Demikian Pemerintahan Desa ............................. tidak berkecil hati dengan berbekal tekad dan kemampuan yang ada, kami mencoba untuk membangun jalan poros desa yang menghubungkan Desa ............................. dengan Desa Cisontrol Kecamatan ..............................
Besar harapan kami rencana tersebut dapat menumbuhkan dan menggerakan roda perekonomian masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan kehidupannya.

II.    Permasalahan
Masyarakat Desa ............................. yang umumnya petani dan buruh tani tersebar dipelosok-pelosok desa, sehingga prasarana transportasi menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang sangat penting. Sedangkan kondisi jalan yang ada saat ini sangat memprihatinkan akibatnya produksi masyarakat khususnya hasil bumi dan hasil perkebunan misalnya ubi kayu, padi, pala, kelapa, kakao termasuk juga hasil hutan rakyat berupa kayu sulit untuk diangkut yang akhirnya memerlukan biaya tinggi atau sekalipun pembeli datang ketempat harganya jauh dibawah harga pasaran.

III.   Maksud, Tujuan dan Sasaran.
Maksud    :       Dengan tersedianya potensi sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang terdapat di wilayah kami,  maka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap bidang transportasi kami akan membangun jalan poros desa yang hingga saat ini belum selesai.
Tujuan      :       1.    Menggiatkan partisipasi masyarakat agar sigap dalam membangun daerah sendiri
2. Memperlancar akses transportasi sehingga dapat memperlancar pendistribusian hasil pertanian, perkebunan dan lain-lain
Sasaran    :       1.    Meningkatkan perekonomian sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat
                            2. Meningkatkan indek pembangunan manusia (IPM) di Desa ............................. khususnya dan masyarakat indonesia pada umumnya
IV. Manfaat
Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat :
1.    Menyerap tenaga kerja sehingga dapat mengurangi jumlah pengangguran
2.    Memperlancar akses transportasi sehingga masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengangkut hasil pertanian, perkebunan dan lain-lain
3.    Meningkatkan perekonomian sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat
4.    Meningkatkan indek pembangunan manusia (IPM) di Desa ............................. khususnya dan masyarakat indonesia pada umumnya

        Jumlah penerima manfaat. 
1.    Secara khusus Masyarakat yang berada disekitar jalan poros Desa .............................  dengan Desa Cisontrol
2.    Secara umum adalah masyarakat Desa ............................. serta masyarakat pengguna jalan

V.    Jangka Waktu Kegiatan
Jenis (Paket Kegiatan) dan  Nilai kegiatan
Jenis / paket kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan adalah rehabilitasi (peningkatan) jalan poros desa yang menghubungkan Desa ............................. dengan Desa Cisontrol Kecamatan ............................. sepanjang 1.500 M, dengan nilai kegiatan sebagaimana terlampir dibawah ini.

Waktu Pelaksanaan
Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini membutuhkan waktu 20 hari kalender, dan membutuhkan 1.300 HOK. Pengerjaan dimulai Bulan Juli 2010 s/d selesai.

        Pelaksana Kegiatan
Susunan Kepanitiaan TIM Kegiatan Masyarakat (TKM)
Ketua                :       Drs. Dedi Sumiadi
Sekretaris        :       Kamaludin
Bendahara      :       Cicih Rumnasih
Anggota           :       1. Nedi
                                    2. Adang Sujani
                                    3. H. Tarso
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